New Learning Centre Modules
The Law Practice Essentials course in the Law Society’s Learning Centre is intended to assist lawyers through the review of key practice management areas. It does not attempt to cover a complete knowledge base for each area but rather captures, highlights and provides an overview of core concepts.
We are pleased to introduce three new modules:
File Management
Establishing an organized and reliable file management procedure can improve peace of mind by helping to ensure alignment with Code of Conduct obligations and the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta.
Learn more about filling procedures and considerations.
Closed File Retention, Storage and Disposal
File retention, storage and disposal raise important regulatory, professional and statutory obligations. As contents of a closed file may be required to respond to a complaint or negligence claim, it is essential to understand which parts of a file the client or lawyer owns, as well as what should be kept on a closed file, why and for how long.
Learn more about acceptable file storage and destruction methods.
Marketing Considerations and Finding Options that Fit
Marketing is an essential part of building and maintaining a successful practice, as lawyers need to promote themselves to attract clients and earn an income. Throughout the course of a legal career, marketing strategies will often shift to align with a lawyer’s focus and experience over time.
Learn more about different marketing options and considerations.