Birjinder Mangat
CO20211210 It is alleged that Birjinder Mangat failed to provide competent, timely, conscientious and diligent service to his client, R.A.,…
John Carpay
CO20230254 It is alleged that John V. Carpay failed to discharge all of his responsibilities to his client, tribunals, the…
Jay Cameron
CO20230255 It is alleged that Jay Cameron failed to discharge all of his responsibilities to his clients, the Court, the…
Dale Ellert
CO20200441 It is alleged Dale Ellert acted in an inappropriate manner with one or more employees and that such conduct…
Darwyn Ross
CO20211163 It is alleged Darwyn C. B. Ross engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a complainant in a criminal matter…
John Zang
Christina Laughlin
CO20200626 It is alleged that Christina Laughlin failed to comply with Rule 119.24(7) by failing to report a theft of…