Issue 57:1 of the Alberta Law Review is now live
The Alberta Law Review has just published issue 57:1. This issue is comprised of articles discussing the admissibility of expert evidence, unwritten constitutional principles, sentencing and deterrence, Charter class actions, and the law of wrongful dismissal. A roundtable discussion, led by the Honourable Justice Russell Brown, of the book Buffalo Days and Nights by Peter Erasmus & Henry Thompson is also included in this issue. Additionally, issue 57:1 published a case comment on Daniels v Canada (2016 SCC 12) and how the decision impacted the constitutional status of Métis and non-status “Indians.” Rounding out this issue is a forum on Bill C-69, An act respecting national security matters, the articles of which examine the changes to Canada’s national security framework, powers, and oversight. For more information and to access this issue of the ALR visit
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