Hardeep Sangha


HEARING OUTCOME : Hardeep Sangha



Hearing Report


  1. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha acted in an inappropriate manner with his students and employees and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  2. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha was involved in the false information and forgery contained in a Revocation of Power of Attorney document and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  3. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha filed a Revocation of Power of Attorney document at the Land Titles Office that he knew was false and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  4. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha commissioned an Affidavit of Execution he knew to be false and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  5. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha failed to provide his clients, A.E. and M.E., with thorough, conscientious, and diligent service and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  6. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha failed to provide his client, S.Co., with thorough, conscientious, and diligent service and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  7. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha failed to provide his client, B.T., with thorough, conscientious, and diligent service and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  8. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha provided false information to his client, B.T., regarding the status of her matter and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
  9. It is alleged Hardeep S. Sangha breached Rule 119.21 of the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta when he withdrew funds from trust prior to sending a billing to the client and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
