Mental Health Week 2024
May 6–12 is the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) Mental Health Week (also known as Well-Being Week in Law in the United States). Mental Health Week is a social change campaign to educate the public and shift beliefs and perceptions about mental health.
This year’s theme is “A Call to be Kind” and is centred on the healing power of compassion. Compassion is the practice of meeting suffering, whether our own or the suffering of others, with kindness. In a world plagued by distress and suffering, the CMHA emphasizes that kindness is intrinsic to our humanity and that being compassionate can connect us and make an enormous difference for our mental health.
This year the Law Society is offering to cover the registration cost for a number of lawyers and articling students to complete the online Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid – Self-Care course. In this short self-directed course, you will learn about the types, causes and effects of stress and trauma, strategies to prevent, recognize and cope with stress, and how to develop and implement a personal self-care plan. This course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to prioritize your well-being and practise self-compassion amidst life’s challenges.
The registration cost will be covered for the first 50 lawyers and articling students who express interest. To access the coupon code to register for the course please contact Education.
Learn more about how you can participate in Mental Health Week and the supports available to the legal profession.