Request a Presentation or Resource from the Law Society
A new webpage is now available on our website for the legal community to request a presentation or resource from us on a specific topic.
The Law Society of Alberta offers free presentations to law firms, organizations, schools and other educational institutions as an additional resource for those interested. We have several professionals on our team willing to share their expertise on a variety of topics as schedules allow, including practice management, legal technology, artificial intelligence, ethics, trust safety and more. Most presentations are an hour in duration. If you or your group is looking for specific information to be discussed, presentation content can be tailored to fit your needs.
The Law Society also offers free online resources in a variety of different formats, including articles, guides, self-directed courses and assessments, recorded presentations and podcasts. Resources are offered to equip lawyers with the tools they need to be successful throughout the lifecycle of their careers.
If you are interested in requesting a presentation or resource, please fill out the form on our website. If you have questions about this process or would like to provide feedback on any existing resources, please email Education.