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Resource | Description | Topic | Audience | Format | Publisher |
15 Myths of Small Firm Practice | This resource outlines common myths relating to starting up or running a practice. | Time Management & Organization Skills, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
A Lawyers Guide to Video Conferencing | To help you get started with video conferencing, this guide will walk you through the basics on how to install and use two of the most popular video apps: Zoom and Skype. | Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, Government, In-House, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm | Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Basics of Cloud Computing | The use of cloud service providers has become increasingly common, for law firms and many other businesses. This resource provides a brief overview of the essentials for cloud computing, including risks, benefits and other resources to help you choose a cloud provider. | File Management & Security, Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, Government, In-House, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm | Article, Guide, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Business Continuity and Succession Plan Guide and Checklist | This guide is designed to provide background information about business continuity and succession planning. Additionally, it identifies items to consider in developing your plan and provides resources where you can find additional information and templates so you can develop a customized plan for your unique circumstances. | Manage Practice Risks, File Management & Security | Private Practice, Management, Government, In-House, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm | Guide, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Checklist When Moving Law Offices | This checklist is for lawyers moving to new office space, whether they are transferring to a new firm or moving their practice. | Time Management & Organization Skills, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm | Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Considerations for Opening a Law Office | Running a law firm entails more than just being good at the law, you have to understand how to start and run a business. This resource outlines key topics to consider before opening a law office. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Government, In-House, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
CPD Tips: Practice Management | Keeping busy workloads under control can be a big challenge. Practice management is a competence to be honed and developed throughout a lawyer’s career. | Time Management & Organization Skills, File Management & Security | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Crossing the Border with Electronic Devices | Prepared by the Policy Counsel Counterpart Group, Federation of Law Societies of Canada. With travellers at Canadian airports and border crossings subject to increasing scrutiny, it is important for lawyers to have an understanding of how the privacy interests of their clients may be impacted by legislation and policies developed to address public safety issues. | File Management & Security | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Guide | External Source |
Fraud Fact Sheet - Cybercrime and Bad Cheque Scam | Cybercrime and bad cheque scams are some of the most common, significant and costly problems for lawyers. Learn about the different types of fraud and what to watch for. | Manage Practice Risks, Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Checklist | External Source |
Interactive Non-Engagement Letter Guide | A non-engagement letter confirms to a potential client, after a consultation or phone conversation, that the firm is unable to act on the matter. | File Management & Security | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Guide, Template | Law Society of Alberta |
Interactive Retainer Letter | Retainer letters are recommended practice in Alberta for non-contingency retainers. | File Management & Security | Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Guide, Template | Law Society of Alberta |
Law Firms and Security Strategies for Today's World | Lawyers must pay as much attention to their physical security as they do to the security if trust funds and electronic data. Learn about best practices for securing your office and ensuring the safety of your staff. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Law Firm Startup Trust Safety Milestones | Trust Safety milestones from day one to the fourth month. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Infographic | Law Society of Alberta |
What to Look for in Limitations Software | Limitations errors can generally be avoided with the help of a well-constructed limitations system. Limitations software assists lawyers in organizing and monitoring deadlines. | Time Management & Organization Skills, Technological Competence | Private Practice, In-House, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Mastering Client Files | Adopting use of a Master Client File List will help you gain better control over your practice. Learn about the key pieces of information and the benefits of using a Master Client File List. | Time Management & Organization Skills, File Management & Security | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Podcast | Law Society of Alberta |
Password Managers: Locking the Barndoor with Better Passwords | Poor password habits have become a target for cybercriminal activity, instead of a line of defense. There are practical things you can do to restore the protective function of our passwords. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | Management, Private Practice, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Guide, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Protecting Client Confidentiality and Data Security While Working Remotely | Learn about how to protect client confidentiality and data security while working remotely. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Retirement Guide | This guide is designed to provide information about the retirement process. It identifies items to consider in developing your plan and provides resources containing additional information and templates. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice | Guide, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Selling Your Practice Checklist | If you’re thinking of selling your practice, view this helpful checklist to know what steps you need to take. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Start-Up Kit | This resource provides some considerations for starting up a law firm. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article, Guide, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Top 10 Things to Include in Your Law Office Manual | This “Top 10” list is a starting point to tailor a manual for your firm. Remember to update the manual regularly, and engage colleagues and staff in its development and revision. | Supervision & Management, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Podcast, Guide, Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Top 5 Ways to Avoid Falling Into the Mortgage Fraud Trap | This "Top 5" list is a starting point to avoid falling into a mortgage fraud trap | Manage Practice Risks, Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Guide, Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Two Email Tips to Save You From Heartache | Email communication is effective and efficient in many ways, but we have all experienced moments when our heart skips a beat when we think a mistake has been made. Learn about two easy adjustments to your Outlook email settings to save stress and reduce errors in your email communication. | Manage Practice Risks, Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Podcast, Guide, Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Why I Self-Referred to the Practice Management Department | The time to look carefully at the holes in your practice is on the sunny days. Waiting until someone makes a complaint to the Law Society, or sues you, or some other crisis happens, means you are responding to those problems in the context of that crisis. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
File Retention and Document Management | Learn about your ethical obligations and best practices in file management, storage and destruction. | File Management & Security, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article, Guide, Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Disbursing the Undisbursable: What to do with Unclaimed Trust Funds | Law firms occasionally hold trust funds for extended periods of time when they cannot locate the clients or other parties to whom the funds belong. What can you do in this case? | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Employee Theft on the Rise: Are You at Risk? | Employee theft exposes lawyers and law firms to personal financial risk. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Trust Bank Reconciliations | How to review a trust bank reconciliation: trust bank balances, client trust listings and trust journals. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Prescribed Financial Records | This resource is meant to assist lawyers to understand their obligations in relation to prescribed financial records. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Top 10 Tips: Financial Records Management | You must do a reconciliation of your trust and general accounts by the end of the following month even if you have no balance in either account. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Trust Misappropriation: Your Ounce of Prevention | The bad news is that anyone can be a victim of fraud or theft. The good news is that there is much we can do to minimize the severity, duration and impact of loss. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
TS Rules Modernization Cross Reference Tables | Guide Cross-Referencing the old Trust Safety rules with the rules adopted as of Jan. 1, 2022. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Trust Shortage and Reporting | The Rules, how to report a shortage and next steps. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Your Role as a Responsible Lawyer | As a Responsible Lawyer, you are responsible for all trust money and property received from a client. This document outlines some of your trust safety responsibilities, at a glance. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Detecting Identity Fraud | Due to recent incidents of identity fraud, it is important to investigate this question if your newest client is such a borrower. | Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Ethical and Effective Advertising | The best legal advertising is memorable, informative and assists members of the public to find lawyers who can help them with their legal problems. | Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Privacy Breached: Now What? | For hackers, lawyers represent a high value target. Billions of dollars flow through Alberta lawyers’ trust accounts every year. | Manage Practice Risks, Technological Competence | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
The Code of Conduct and Your Staff | A skilled legal assistant makes for happier clients, happier lawyers and, often, a better bottom line. With this in mind, you must also empower your legal support staff with the knowledge they need to succeed. | Supervision & Management | Private Practice, Management, In-House, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
What Can a Student-at-Law Do? | You will see that the right to give legal advice and appear before courts turns upon being a lawyer, barrister, solicitor, member of the bar, advocate, avocat, attorney, agent, counsel or officer of the court. | Supervision & Management | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Government & Non-Profit | Article, Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Financially Speaking – Trust Accounts July 2020 | In the first-ever episode of the Financially Speaking podcast, Trust Safety team members break down the basics of trust accounting – what a lawyer needs to do once they’ve been approved to operate trust accounts, the different kinds of trust accounts and how to manage trust accounts successfully. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Podcast | Law Society of Alberta |
Financially Speaking – Lifecycle of a Trust Account | In the second episode of Financially Speaking, our hosts walk through the lifecycle of a trust account, from its creation through to its closure. And, in the spirit of Access to Justice Week, we’re not only going to focus on the logistics and obligations of those trust accounts but on the key role that pooled trust accounts play in funding access to justice initiatives in our province, with a special guest from the Alberta Law Foundation (the Foundation). | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Podcast | Law Society of Alberta |
2022 Trust Safety Rule Changes | Trust Safety hosts a webinar on the changes to the Trust Safety rules, which came into effect on Jan. 1, 2022. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Manage Practice Risks | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Webinar, Video | Law Society of Alberta |
Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Webinar | Trust Safety and Policy & Ethics host a webinar on the Law Society’s rule amendments regarding Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing. | Manage Practice Risks, Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures | Private Practice, Management, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Webinar, Video | Law Society of Alberta |
Practice Management 101: Life Cycle of a File | The Practice Management team offers this recorded webinar on the basics of effective practice strategies from the beginning of a file through to the end. Listen for a discussion on these strategies that will increase your efficiency and decrease your risk. | Time Management & Organization Skills, File Management & Security | Private Practice, Government, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Webinar, Video | Law Society of Alberta |
Practice Management 101: Road to Retirement | The Practice Management Team discusses retiring from the practice of law. If you have questions about the process and timelines for winding up your practice, the team has strategies, resources and more to help you navigate this new stage of your career. | Manage Practice Risks, File Management & Security | Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Webinar, Video | Law Society of Alberta |
Guidance for Video Conference Witnessing and Commissioning of Documents Submitted to Land Titles for Registration | Learn about the eligibility, requirements and best practices for video conferencing witnessing and commissioning of documents submitted to Land Titles. | Technological Competence | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Remote Legal Services FAQ | This resource addresses frequently asked questions about obligations when providing remote legal services. Some information is based on legislative and court announcements that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to monitor ongoing news releases to ensure you have current information. | Technological Competence | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Canadian Legal Profession Online Program | Using interactive tools like scenarios, videos, and quizzes, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada has developed this online learning program to provide guidance to legal professionals on how to mitigate money laundering and terrorist financing risks and comply with their legal and regulatory obligations. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, Technological Competence | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Website | External Source |
The Generative AI Playbook: How Lawyers Can Safely Take Advantage of the Opportunities Offered by Generative AI | This resource serves as a starting point for Alberta lawyers seeking to harness the benefits of disruptive technologies like Generative AI while safeguarding their clients’ interests and maintaining their professional competence. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Staying Safe: How to Manage Threats and Physical Violence Risks in the Legal Profession | Lawyers being subjected to threats or physical violence while carrying out their work is a growing concern. It is important that lawyers take proactive steps to minimize the potential for experiencing harm and have a plan should they find themselves in an unsafe situation. | Manage Practice Risks, Supervision & Management | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Disaster Planning and Recovery | Disaster can strike a practice in many different ways, and it’s important to have a plan in place to minimize the impact of these events. This guide provides advice and resources to consider when proactively planning and responding to disaster. | Manage Practice Risks, File Management & Security | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Guide | Law Society of Alberta |
Destination AI (English) | The Pan-Canadian AI Strategy at CIFAR welcomes participants from the Law Society of Alberta. Destination AI will give you the tools to make informed decisions about artificial intelligence. Learn from some of the world’s leading researchers about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in your daily life today, and where it’s going in the future. | Technological Competence | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Website | External Source |
Objectif IA (Francais) | La Stratégie pancanadienne en matière d’IA au CIFAR accueille des participants de la Law Society of Alberta. Objectif IA vous donnera les outils pour prendre des décisions éclairées sur l'intelligence artificielle. Apprenez de certains des plus remarquables scientifiques du monde qui se penchent sur le rôle de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans la vie quotidienne aujourd’hui, et sur ce que réserve le domaine à l’avenir. | Technological Competence | In-House, Government & Non-Profit, Management, Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Website | External Source |
Gen AI Rules of Engagement for Canadian Lawyers | Since Chat GPT entered the legal lexicon a little more than a year ago, several courts, law societies and liability insurers have issues guidance documents regarding the use of Generative AI. This resource helps lawyers understand the current rules of engagement in every jurisdiction where they practice. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Generative AI: Blessing or Curse? | Webinar focusing on current Generative AI tools, issues and trends and how they directly impact the practice of law today, as well as steps you can take to safely transform its potential into tangible outcomes. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | In-House, Government & Non-Profit, Management, Private Practice, Sole Practitioner & Small Firm | Webinar | Law Society and External Collaboration |
Requesting Consent for Cloud Usage and Email Communication in your Retainer Agreement | Communication is essential to effective client service. Retainer agreements provide a first opportunity to communicate the scope of your engagement and the associated fees. | File Management & Security, Technological Competence | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Terms and Conditions of Gen AI Platforms | The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms is becoming increasingly popular, and it is important to understand the terms and conditions associated with their use. The different terms and conditions among platforms are outlined to help you consider your obligations to protect client confidentiality and privilege. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Why a Generative AI Use Policy? | AI use policies for firms and organizations are essential to realizing the benefits of Generative AI while containing risks associated with the technology. A Model Generative AI Use Policy is provided for firms and organizations to adapt to their unique circumstances. | Technological Competence, Manage Practice Risks | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management, Government & Non-Profit, In-House | Article | Law Society of Alberta |
Lawyers Financial | Lawyers Financial is a not-for-profit organization that provides financial and investment products to Canadian lawyers, their families and employees. Lawyers Financial can help with many of the components critical to business continuity and succession planning, including financial management, debt management, investments, risk management, retirement planning, estate planning and tax planning. | Manage Practice Risks | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management | Website | External Source |
Considerations for Choosing Accounting and Practice Management Software | Many law firms obtain accounting and practice management software to assist them in their practice. This resource outlines various considerations to assist with making the best choice for your circumstances. | Effective Accounting & Billing Procedures, File Management & Security, Technological Competence, Time Management & Organization Skills | Sole Practitioner & Small Firm, Private Practice, Management | Checklist | Law Society of Alberta |
Educational resources in this section are intended for the legal profession as an aid and are not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice. Readers must exercise their professional judgment about the accuracy, utility and applicability of the material. The Law Society of Alberta and Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (ALIA) accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions in any resource. If you find any information that is unclear, inaccurate or outdated, please send an email with details to Education.
Any information pertaining to the ALIA Group Policy contained in any resource is provided for information purposes only. The Group Policy contains other terms and conditions that may affect coverage. Subscribers to the Group Policy should always review the Group Policy, to confirm their obligations in any circumstance.
Any third-party resources are suggested for information and reference only. The Law Society and ALIA are not responsible for the accuracy, content or information contained in these sites. Views expressed in these resources are the views of the authors individually and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Law Society or ALIA.