Volunteers Needed to Develop Competency Framework for Alberta Lawyers
In alignment with the Law Society of Alberta (the Law Society) Strategic Plan and in follow up to the 2019 articling surveys and the Lawyer Licensing and Competence in Alberta Report, the Lawyer Competence Committee (LCC) is beginning work on developing a competency framework for Alberta lawyers that will lay the foundation for future programs and requirements over the course of a lawyer’s career.
A competency framework outlines the set of competencies an individual needs to do a particular job. To continue to promote and enforce high standards for the ethical and competent delivery of legal services in Alberta, we need a framework that clearly outlines the competencies lawyers need to provide the best legal services they can in the public interest.
“We intend to go beyond setting minimum standards for competence. We want to be responsive to the evolving professional development needs of the entire profession over the course of their careers, to broaden the concept of competency to extend into non-traditional areas (including wellness) and to build a flexible competence program that takes into account existing educational programs and experience,” says Ken Warren, President-Elect and LCC Chair for the Law Society.
A modern and dynamic competency framework will take time to build, but with input from the profession and key stakeholders, we are excited to begin this journey.
How to Volunteer and Get Involved
The Law Society is committed to an inclusive recruitment process. We encourage lawyers of all backgrounds and perspectives to apply. We also encourage lawyers with a diversity of education, skills, knowledge, international training and career experiences to apply.
We are recruiting for the following roles:
- Competency Profile Development Task Force Member
This 10 to 12 member committee is responsible for drafting the competency profile. Task Force members serve an essential role that requires a substantial time commitment. Participation requires pre-reading and self-study in August, as well as mandatory attendance and active engagement in several virtual meetings between August and November 2021.
Prior to the first virtual meeting, Task Force members will be required to review the Lawyer Licensing and Competence Report, complete The Path (Law Society of Alberta) (unless an exemption is certified), and complete self-study learning on anti-racism and unconscious bias. Further materials, resources and supports may be provided to Task Force members throughout the process.
A 90-minute virtual orientation about the engagement will be held on August 31, 2021. A recording of the virtual orientation will be available for members unable to attend the August meeting. The first two-day virtual Task Force meetings will be held on September 13 and 17, 2021. Confirmed availability for the September dates is a condition for consideration for Task Force membership. If you are interested in participating on the Task Force, please consider blocking these dates in your calendar.
- Focus Group Participant
Virtual focus groups will be conducted in October and November 2021. Participants will engage in a two-hour facilitated review of an initial draft of the competency profile and provide feedback on the work in progress.
- Survey Pilot Test ParticipantWe will be surveying Alberta lawyers regarding the competencies being developed. Pilot testing of the survey will occur in December 2021 and will require no more than 1.5 hours of time during a two-week window.
If you are interested in being considered for any of these roles, please complete the application form here. The deadline for submitting your application is July 30, 2021.
Each application will be carefully reviewed for inclusive representation of key stakeholder perspectives on legal practice. Please note that it is possible that not everyone who expresses interest will be appointed.
If you have questions about the project and these opportunities to participate, please contact our Education department.
Thank you for your interest.